Results of the 2015 Rural Health IT Strategy Survey
Industry panelists, Justin Barnes, corporate and public policy advisor, and Baha Zeidan, CEO & co-founder of Azalea Health, review and discuss the ramifications of the survey results.
Azalea Health sponsored the industry survey on health IT with a focus on rural and small clinics and hospitals. The survey was endorsed by Hometown Health. Over 150 physicians responded.
The purpose of the survey is to provide physicians and their colleagues with a better understanding of what physicians and hospitals are doing with health IT going into 2015.

Key Findings: IT Use
Key Findings: Barriers
Key Findings: RCM
Key Findings: Challenges
Key Findings: ICD-10
Key Findings: Meaningful Use
Key Findings: IT Use
Key Findings: Barriers
Key Findings: RCM
Key Findings: Challenges
Key Findings: ICD-10
Key Findings: Meaningful Use