Azalea Health’s Ambulatory EHR, ChartAccess® 5.0, was 2014 edition certified under Drummond Group’s Electronic Health Records Office of the National Coordinator Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB) program on 09/25/2014.

Drummond Group’s ONC-ACB certification program certifies that EHRs meet the meaningful use criteria for either eligible provider or hospital technology. In turn, healthcare providers using the EHR systems of certified vendors are qualified to receive federal stimulus monies upon demonstrating meaningful use of the technology.


Unique certification number:

CHPL ID:  09252014-2367-5

Criteria to which ChartAccess® is certified:

170.314 (a)(1): Computerized provider order entry
170.314 (a)(2): Drug-drug, drug-allergy interactions checks
170.314 (a)(3): Demographics
170.314 (a)(4): Vital signs, body mass index, and growth Charts
170.314 (a)(5): Problem list
170.314 (a)(6): Medication list
170.314 (a)(7): Medication allergy list
170.314 (a)(8): Clinical decision support
170.314 (a)(9): Electronic notes
170.314 (a)(10): Drug formulary checks
170.314 (a)(11): Smoking status
170.314 (a)(12): Image results
170.314 (a)(13): Family health history
170.314 (a)(14): Patient list creation
170.314 (a)(15): Patient-specific education resources
170.314 (b)(1): Transitions of care – receive, display and incorporate transition of care/referral summaries
170.314 (b)(2): Transitions of care – create and transmit transition of care/referral summaries
170.314 (b)(3): Electronic prescribing
170.314 (b)(4): Clinical information reconciliation
170.314 (b)(5)(A): Incorporate laboratory tests and values/results
170.314 (b)(7): Data portability  
170.314 (c)(1): Clinical quality measures – capture and export
170.314 (c)(2): Clinical quality measures – import and calculate  
170.314 (c)(3): Clinical quality measures – electronic submission
170.314 (d)(1): Authentication, access, control, and authorization
170.314 (d)(2): Auditable events and tamper-resistance
170.314 (d)(3): Audit report(s)
170.314 (d)(4): Amendments
170.314 (d)(5): Automatic log-off
170.314 (d)(6): Emergency access
170.314 (d)(7): End-user device encryption
170.314 (d)(8): Integrity
170.314 (e)(1): View, download, and transmit to a 3rd party with edge protocol testing
170.314 (e)(2): Ambulatory setting only -clinical summary
170.314 (e)(3): Ambulatory setting only – secure messaging
170.314 (f)(1): Immunization information  
170.314 (f)(2): Transmission to immunization registries  
170.314 (f)(3): Transmission to public health agencies – syndromic surveillance
170.314 (g)(2): Automated measure calculation
170.314 (g)(3): Safety-enhanced design
170.314 (g)(4): Quality management system


Clinical Quality Measures to which ChartAccess® is certified:

CMS62: HIV/AIDS: Medical Visit
CMS68: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record
CMS124: Cervical Cancer Screening
CMS125: Breast Cancer Screening
CMS130: Colorectal Cancer Screening
CMS138: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention
CMS146: Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis
CMS147: Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization
CMS154: Appropriate Treatment for Children with Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)
CMS164: Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Use of Aspirin or Another Antithrombotic
CMS165: Controlling High Blood Pressure
CMS166: Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain


Additional software use demonstrate compliance with certification criteria:

DrFirst Rcopia, Intelichart, ExitCare

ONC Disclaimer:

This EHR is 2014 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  

Costs & Limitations Transparency:

Upfront costs:

  • Tiered software licensing based on provider or bed quantity at time of purchase
  • Implementation and Training services
  • Basic Support and Maintenance services
  • Hosting or Hardware costs as defined by licensing model

Additional fees which may be incurred include:

  • Training beyond the scope of the original implementation
  • Consulting services for meeting regulatory requirements
  • Level II support services beyond the scope of the licensed product
    • e.g.: infrastructure and network support
  • Maintenance release level updates outside of normal business hours
  • New Software Release Versions which were not included in initial Software licensing
  • New Modular Products not in initial software licensing.
  • New Interface development and maintenance beyond the scope of the original implementation
    • e.g.: interfaces to reporting registries for Meaningful Use measures or any other regulatory reporting
  • Implementation of additional peripheral and other hardware devices beyond the scope of the original implementation
    • e.g.: including but not limited to printers, mobile workstations, scanners, tablets, etc.
  • Prognosis Innovation Healthcare cloud backup solution
  • Software reconfiguration requests outside of the original scope of implementation
  • Revenue Cycle Management services

Costs which may be subject to escalation:

  • Annual support and maintenance fees
  • If applicable, annual hosting fees
  • If applicable, annual subscription fees
  • Annual third party fees such as ePrescribing, Practice Portal, Patient education content, Encoding, Insurance Eligibility and Advanced Beneficiary Notice which may be brokered through Prognosis Innovation Healthcare or contracted directly

Periodic charges for continual right to use of the software:

As defined by licensing model:

  • Tiered subscription pricing based on provider or bed quantity
  • Annual software Support and Maintenance for contracted software licensing


  • Use of the Patient Electronic Access Reporting out of the Patient Portal is limited to the following DirectTrust network HISPs at this time: MaxMD, Nitor Group.
  • If Public Health Reporting is achieved through an HIE then automated measure calculation of this measure may not be possible without new or additional Interface development.
  • Automated measure calculation of Patient Specific Education requires the use of a specific vendor
  • Automated measure calculation of Electronic Prescribing and refill requests requires the use of a specific vendor without a new or additional interface development.
  • On premise Customer facility installations of Prognosis systems must have the ability to connect to the Prognosis datacenter via an Internet connection to access certain features of the system.
  • Customer must establish a Virtual Private Network connection to Prognosis for Support Services to be activated.