2019 Azalea Connect Conference Highlights

Congratulations to our 2019 Provider and Practice Administrator Of The Year Winners!

2019 Provider Of The Year, Dr. Omar Caban, Phycinity

“The way we spend our time defines who we are.” Everything Dr. Caban does demonstrates his dedication to serving others. After serving in the Air Force, he chose to set up a pediatric practice in a small community a few years ago. In this short period of time, the exceptional care that he and his team provides helped grow the practice to now seeing more than 50 patients a day. He starts his day at 8 am and oftentimes doesn’t stop until midnight. Balancing his commitment to serving his patients and community, to his commitment to his family is truly remarkable and inspiring.      

2019 Practice Administrator Of The Year, Kelly Powell, Wills Memorial Hospital

Kelly Powell was described as hardworking, loyal, and kind. Kelly wears many hats – including Director of Outpatient Services; overseeing a specialty clinic and the Registration and Business office departments; and she serves as the practice manager for not one, but two RHCs. In addition to her official roles, she is known for pitching in wherever needed – infection control, quality management, and more. These next words come directly from her nomination.“She has earned the love and respect from her staff. It goes without saying that the clinics are what they are today because of the guidance this woman has provided!”

Partner Breakout Sessions

Speaker: Jose Valero
Driving Performance with Analytic Reporting

Speaker: Heidi Polek
The Opioid Crisis: How We Got Here and What We Can Do

Speaker: Angela Stokes
How Does CCM Drive Compliance?

Speaker: Jeffery Daigrepont
Hospital/Physician Alignment, Strategies That Work

Azalea Breakout Sessions

Speaker: Caley Berkeley, Julee Lincoln, Lance Bennett
Ambulatory New Features and Enhancements

Speaker: Daniel Fritz
Hospital New Features and Enhancements

Speaker: Caley Berkeley
Using Templates in Azalea

Speaker: Alex Whelan, Tara Smith
Ambulatory Hands-on Training

Speaker: Kayla Appleton
Hospital Hands-on Training

Collaborating, Networking, and Fun!

How tall can you build a free standing structure only using 20 spaghetti noodles, 1 yard of tape, 1 yard of string, and 1 marshmallow placed on top? Our winners reached over 22 inches!

Thank you to our Keynote Speakers!

Adele Allison, Keynote Speaker

President-elect of Alabama HIMSS and Director of Provider Innovation Strategies at DST Health Solutions, LLC. A Georgia native, Adele travels across the country speaking at events providing insight on the latest healthcare trends, quality measures, and much more! At the conference, Adele spoke on two occasions, highlighting “Measurable Quality and Efficiency Equals Payment” and “The State of Healthcare”.

Adele Allison, Keynote Speaker

Leo Mazzone joined the Atlanta Braves in 1979 as a pitching coach. Mazzone has earned a reputation as one of the best pitching coaches in the modern era. Leo began to focus on the mental approach to the game and learned not to over-coach his pitches. At the conference, Leo spoke about his experience and the commonalities in creating a successful team in your work environment.

Last, but certainly not least, a very special thank you to our valued partners and sponsors.

Thank you to our valued sponsors!